Digging Deeper into Riding Arenas, Sand Schools and Maneges
These articles are for those who wish to take a more active role in the design of their arena, giving you the information you need to begin specifying your arena yourself. Bear in mind that these examples are drawn from using our own sands. If you are not in the West Wales area, your local sands will have different properties, and the design would need to vary to compensate. Site conditions can also impact substantially on a design.
Permeability: The First Step
The first step in any arena design is to calculate the permeability of the ground upon which the arena will be built. We show you how with this simple test.
Existing Arenas: Solving the Problems
If you are solving problems in an existing arena, rather than building a new one from scratch, we will ask you to work out the 'critical tension' of the existing surface material. Here's how.
Geotextiles: The Arguments For and Against
One of the most frequently misunderstood aspects of arena design is the use of geotextiles, and their alternatives. We have provided this article especially to help you to decide which is best for you.
Graded Filters: From Surface to Subgrade
A crash course in arena design, from top to bottom. We discuss choice of surface, how this affects the design of the graded filter, and how to work out the depth of the drainage layer for lateral drainage.
Alternatives: Chipped Rubber Surfaces
Chipped Rubber also needs care -- here are our quick tips.
Putting It All Together: Some Examples
Arena design is a complex subject, but the best way to learn is by example. Here we consider three designs for a 20m x 40m arena -- two raised, and one sunken.
Maintenance: Keeping Your Arena in Good Condition
How to keep your foreshore effect for years to come.
Disclaimer: The foregoing articles are intended as a guide only. Material properties can vary. Site conditions can impact substantially on a design.